Book your professional massage in Lennoxtown
60 minute appointments can be booked using the online schedule.
90 minute appointments, are by request.
Request a 90 Minute Appointment
Why book 90 minutes?
Maybe you have a stubborn spot from sitting at a desk all day, plus the stress of a demanding job.
A 90-minute session allows you time to relax while still allowing me time to focus on that tense area.
Please note: Treatment times include a short consultation, preparation and post treatment advice (if required).
Please check your confirmation email after booking to make sure your appointment details are correct. If you can’t find your email have a look in your spam folder just in case and please contact me if you don’t receive it.
I charge a flat rate for massage based on my time rather than the treatment.
Whether you book a Swedish massage, Pre-Natal massage or Hot Stones, the price is based on the length of the session you choose not your treatment choice.
60 minute massage: £60
90 minute massage: £80
If this is your first appointment with me, you will be asked to pay for your session when booking.